Happy Friday! From the dormancy of my recent postings one would think that I was hijacked in transit on the way back from the Philippines. Nah, just another bout of laziness. Though, I've got so many blogworthy tales on my mind I've decided to jam pack them in a week long BLOG-A-THON beginning next Monday morning. Some things to look forward to:
"Smiles that could Light Up Cities:"

I'll work you through the highs...

bypass the lows, but will definitely be sure to touch on all the near-death experiences that occurred (well, at least the monkey-related ones)

So join me, beginning next Monday, for daily off-the-wall features and stories about the behind-the-scenes backpacking trip of the spring of 2006. If you can't wait until Monday and are wanting a sneak peek, then please peruse Gino's selective collection of already published photos by clicking here:
Check it out!! It's a entrancing preview of the fun that is to come. Ok, I'll leave you with some food for thought: Why is that when you blow in your dog's face, he gets mad at you, but when you take him for a car ride; he sticks his head out the window?

that monkey pic is the best
yeah, right after he was pulled off he peed everywhere... it was a close one.
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