My Yum-Yum in the Tum dinner the other night. This dude to the right was flashing black blotches, head still twisting, as I devoured his body. The raw shrimp's eyes were bulging, every once in awhile winking, as I gnawed its body. Got to love chowing in Japan .
Fish, seafood, beef, chicken, whale or horse - nevermind. If it's raw and it's in Japan, it's safe. FDA approved, no questions asked. Why is that? You'd have to shoot me if you wanted me to eat half the stuff that I eat here in America. It would be like a death sentence. I'd have to shell out top dollar for an assurance of quality. But tonight, as I returned from work at 10:30 pm, I thought I lucked out because all the old sushi went half-off. It's ironic that I have travelled to many third world countries, and the only place that I came back from with food poisoning was northern Japan. Enjoy your days, eat heartily!

I was just browsing blogs and found yours. It's so breath-taking! I'm suprised I'm only one of the few to leave comments. It's so easy to do it too... Just click the comment box and poof, it's done.
Thanks, anonymous. Maybe, after all my peeps see your comment, they will be encouraged to comment as well.
you are so funny.
You were such a picky eater when you were small!!! I don't know how you ate a moving creature. You've come a long way Baby!!
You would do great on Fear Factor
wow, anonymous' comment really triggered an influx of thoughts. great!!!
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