Thursday, February 21, 2008

I'm Getting Married...

Sunday! That's four days away. From the time of making the reservation until the wedding day 10 weeks has passed. The bulk of prep is being saved for this week. This is the first time in my life that I have felt physical stress. Monday, six days before the wedding, I felt stress attacking my shoulder blades, I also feel a tight fist clenched under my sternum. Physical stress is dangerous.

Since Friday, this was my to do list:
work...arrange final guest monk for rehearsal...finalize script for M.C...bachelorette photographer wedding sites...get cats ready for move to america...make travel reservations for family to kyoto...pack house and mail boxes...file tax return...close bank accounts...make hotel table vegas tickets...kimono fitting... pick up gino's kimono...prepare my business for transition...hire new teachers...train new teachers..get futons for family and guests..change yen to dollars..think about for the first time what to do with my hair... laminate cards...make reservation for wedding a van

Through this process I have learned how much friends, family and an extra set of hands can loosen the clenched fist, ease the sore shoulders and make everything seem like it is coming together.

After five years here I am still humbled by the way friends will go out of their way for me. I showed up at my hair stylist four days before my wedding and they assured me they would leave work early and be on site to change my hair-dos as I change kimonos, adhering to Japanese custom. In a time when I feel haggered, bogged down and suffocated with the impossibility of transitioning a business, moving out of a country, arranging travel with family, and planning a wedding, the people around me are shining. Their light, help and positive energy is shedding into my being. I no longer feel overwhelmed. I am relaxed, excitedly awaiting the arrival of our family in 20 hours, and am finally able to be in tune again with the love that I feel for the man I am marrying.


Jonathan said...

hey dude! great post - this might sounds funny at the moment, but you will look back on all this stress, running around, and general craziness and miss it. only happens once and you have to enjoy it. but, guess you have another one to look forward to back in the states right? so, maybe disregards everything i just said:) take care, enjoy, and we wish we were there. later, jz

Paula said...

Hi Danielle! I'm thinking about you and the wedding. Good luck and I Love you!

kateri said...

D - HEY!! I didn't know you were getting Married Married!!! Sounds like the real deal now...I bet it was hard to draw a line and create a unique ceremony...fill me does it work?...rings and vowes exchanged??

Lauren said...

I wish we could all be there with you for this one.....You are going to be so beautiful! I can't wait to see the pictures!

I also never really considered the enormity of leaving Japan. Your "to-do list" made me feel overwhelmed just reading it! You never cease to amaze me with your ambitions.

I know your wedding will be everything you've been dreaming of!

Paula said...

I agree with Kate, I don't think any of us really thought that you will be married in Japan. But anyway, best wishes to you and Gino!

Anonymous said...

Best Wishes Danielle...we are all thinking about you back here at VSA!!!! Can't wait to see pictures....hi to your Mom and Dad...Hugs, Karen