Saturday, February 02, 2008

The People that Surround Me: Kimiko Tasaki

(photo credits:
James Canegata)

Since I have her picture right here, I'll start with Kimiko. Kimiko is a firecracker; and subsequently, one of my very best girlfriends. At first meeting she is polite, attentive, calm, eager to please others and beautiful; all of which are common traits that many Japanese women possess.

Then, just before you write her off as being 'normal,'a splash of spunk, a dab of attitude, and a slew of humour and sarcasm enter the picture. I have many Japanese girlfriends, but I think Kimiko is the most unique. This is why we gel.

After living here for many years I have noticed that western cultures embed a lot of sarcasm into their humour, and Japanese barely any at all. Kimiko is my only Japanese friend that I can say anything to, take any sarcastic shot I please. Not only does she get it, but she fires right back.

Kimiko is a free woman, meaning the world is her plate and what is on it has yet to be decided. After university she traveled the world for five months, came back to her hometown of Sasebo and committed to herself and family to stay three years in a banking job.

Now she's got time and the world before her.

"I want to do something extraordinary." What's her next step? Next week she will spend a month as in her friend's place in Osaka. During that time she'll make this month's big decision: "Do I go to NYC for a month, do I travel through India, do I find a job in Japan?" Free time is a blessing.

Although her mind is clouded with wanderlust, at the same time the important things in her life are family, furthering her career, developing friendships and mastering her English.

Where to go from here?

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