Sunday, March 23, 2008

Onto Cambodia

We finished Vietnam three days ago. In a lot of the parts in Vietnam it felt like the people were scamming you. Though, now in Cambodia, the feeling is much more laid back. Traveling down the coast of Vietnam opened my eyes to the lingering effects of the Vietnam war. My American education glossed over the fact that we unnecessarily attacked and infilitrated their country. And for what purpose? Kind of reminds you of the war now.

Ho Chi Minh city, the most populous and tropical city of Vietnam, seemed much more developed than the other cities. The jungles of the central highlands were rich with animal noises and the mountains were refreshing. Although the altitude was high and Gino had to rest every 10 minutes (not me though.)

Phom Penn is the capitol city of Cambodia. Here, as perfect timing would have it, we had planned our meeting with our friend who used to live in Japan with us. Andy Lovedland was traveling from England to research his graduate paper about an NGO in Cambodia. It was nice for Gino and I to have a friend from way back when to seek out adventures with.

Today we arrived in Angkor Wat and juicy details of this expansive experience are soon to come... love from cambodia, Danielle

1 comment:

Mitsuru said...

Dear Danielle&Gino

Hi! I'm Mitsru
Do you remenber me?

Congratulations on the marriage
You are the best couple in my friends.
Happily forever
Are you enjoying honeymoon?
I think South Asia is nice Place.

Recently I went to Asian trip
I looked around China,Tibet,Nepal,india
Next time I sent photograph.
I'm coming back to NJC now
So if you drop in Sasebo
Please cotact me.