Thursday, October 02, 2008

One month to go!

Oct 1 marks one month and counting to our wedding! You brides-to-be out there will not believe this: Up until this point I have successfully planned a wedding with out once, yes once, visiting The Knot or looking at one bridal magazine.

Though I had a trial hair run and a few days ago and since have gone to the library and checked out four bridal magazines and saved two hair pics from theknot. Sometimes you just have to go along with what the mainstream is doing.

Besides hair issues, everything is flowing nicely! I don't know, bridal talk is sort of boring, isn't it? I mean, I can't believe how huge this wedding industry is for a few hours of a person's life. Though, I will give a shout-out to my cousin. He designs dresses for little people. I was flipping through my Modern Bride and found one of his dresses featured! Here is the Dress from his line, Lady Bug Collection. Way to go, Bill!

1 comment:

lesley.sampson said...

you go girl.. you can post in the future! it's 10/2? LOL
can't wait to hear more wedding details....